Project Overview

The Town of Wellesley is taking a strategic approach to creating and developing a range of housing types in Wellesley, such as affordable housing, senior housing, and “ missing middle" housing, and to strengthening Wellesley’s commitment to Fair Housing. The Plan will propose strategies that expand housing options for low-income individuals and families, housing for middle-income earners, and market-rate housing. Increasing the diversity of Wellesley’s housing options will preserve the economic health and viability of the community while allowing people to choose housing that suits their preferences. This would include an overview of the housing market conditions, an explanation of the barriers to diversifying existing housing, and an implementation process for the emerging goals and strategies to expand housing options in Wellesley.

Multiple community engagement efforts will inform every component of the Strategic Housing Plan development. The planning process will build on a common base of information by encouraging discussions about what people love about Wellesley, what they hope to see in the future, and what concerns they have about housing

A Strategic Housing Plan identifies new policies and strategies to create housing options for individuals and families of all socioeconomic levels. It is similar to a Chapter 40B Housing Production Plan, which Wellesley last completed in 2018. However, a Strategic Housing Plan looks beyond the 10% affordable housing goal under Chapter 40B to larger, systemic barriers to housing stability, fair housing, social equity, and having access to decent, affordable housing as a matter of choice, not chance.

Since completing the 2018 Housing Production Plan, Wellesley has successfully met the 10% minimum under Chapter 40B. Even with this success, Wellesley does not have many options for housing to serve a broad range of household types and income levels. Adopting multifamily incentive zoning at the Wellesley Office Park paved the way for “The Nines,” a luxury multifamily development that includes affordable apartments, and Wellesley has rezoned a few other locations for smaller multifamily residences. Compared with the overall composition of Wellesley’s housing market, however, these changes are limited and not really designed to meet the needs of a broader range of incomes.

A Strategic Housing Plan will identify potential limitations and best strategies for developing diverse housing that fits in a variety of settings, from Wellesley Square or Wellesley Hills to Linden Street, or the town’s older suburban neighborhoods, the colleges, or the major roadway corridors running through town.

The Strategic Housing Plan process will begin with a public engagement process that includes community surveying, interviews, and forums. There will also be a review of market analytics and development of a barriers assessment, during which community engagement will continue. After preliminary presentations to the Wellesley Select Board and Planning Board, a Draft Plan will be submitted for public comment.

Initial research and public engagement begins in May 2024, with an anticipated finish date in December 2024. Please see the Key Dates and Timeline sections for more detailed information on public engagement events.

Community Meeting #1: June 18, 2024

Meeting Recording

Community Meeting Stations

The first community meeting included six stations which asked residents about different topics relevant to the Strategic Housing Plan. These stations are recreated below to facilitate feedback from those who were unable to attend the meeting in-person.

Below are five different tabs that capture the questions asked during the Community Meeting. Please click through to find each series of questions.

Potential Barriers

Housing Needs

Previous Housing Strategies

Possible Strategies


Housing Types

Housing diversity is important to establish choice and access for citizens of broad backgrounds and socioeconomic conditions. Different housing styles can provide ideal housing based on several factors. In addition, it is important to understand how different housing styles occupy physical space differently, contributing to the fabric of neighborhoods and communities. See below to discover different types of housing frequently found in diverse housing municipalities.
